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Growing a grape vine ( a real one :))


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  • Growing a grape vine ( a real one :))


    One of the dinner ladies at my 6yr olds' school, has bought a grapevine to plant into the courtyard which houses the schools' sensory garden. The courtyard is right at the centre of the school, with windows and doors looking out or leading onto it from all sides.

    Herbs, strawberries and various other plants and features live there and it provides a pleasant, tranquil, secure and unique learning environment for the school, where the children can get hands on and up close with nature during lessons.

    So the grapevine seemed like a suitable but different addition, even though it would be several years before it fruits and this leads me nicely onto the question I need to ask.

    The dinner lady has been told by a neighbour that you can't eat grapes grown on a vine outside!!! She's really worried now because she bought it with the intention of leaving something for future pupils to enjoy (she retires next year).

    This sounds really bizzare to me and makes absolutely no sense and I now have this vision of acres and acres of greenhouses producing endless supplies of red and white grapes throughout the world .

    Anyway she asked me my opinion and after a few blank, bemused seconds I said I didn't think this would be the case but I knew a bunch of people who probably would know .

    So my question is, is there a problem with grapes grown outside in this country (due to the lack of constantly hot sun etc) or, provided we can get the vine to grow and prosper, will the grapes be ok to eat if we can get them to ripen?

    Thanking you all in advance for your advice and help.

  • #2
    Originally posted by reetnproper View Post

    The dinner lady has been told by a neighbour that you can't eat grapes grown on a vine outside!!! She's really worried now because she bought it with the intention of leaving something for future pupils to enjoy (she retires next year).

    So my question is, is there a problem with grapes grown outside in this country (due to the lack of constantly hot sun etc) or, provided we can get the vine to grow and prosper, will the grapes be ok to eat if we can get them to ripen?

    What have we been eating (and drinking) for years? Scotch mist?

    As long as she gets the right variety it will fruit, ripen and be edible. You do get a better crop under glass but as I said, it is down to variety. If she (or you) need advice on that, then come back telling us what you are looking for. If she's already bought, then plant it and pray a lot.
    Why didn't Noah just swat those 2 greenflies?

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    • #3
      Bob Flowerdew is the expert on growing grapes in the UK I reckon. Read this very useful article.

      Bob Flowerdew: The grape and the good | Life and style | The Guardian

      Vegetable Kingdom blog


      • #4
        Originally posted by sarraceniac View Post
        What have we been eating (and drinking) for years? Scotch mist?
        My thoughts exactly .

        Originally posted by sarraceniac View Post
        As long as she gets the right variety it will fruit, ripen and be edible. You do get a better crop under glass but as I said, it is down to variety. If she (or you) need advice on that, then come back telling us what you are looking for. If she's already bought, then plant it and pray a lot.
        Greatly appreciated, thankyou. I'll find out the variety and then see what's what .

        Capsid - thanks for the link.



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