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  • fig

    hi all just been out and bought a fig-pretty expensive but OH has always wanted one. Trouble is I haven't got a clue what to do so need your advice! Its in a little pot at the mo with a couple of little figs on it but they look a bit brown to me-is this normal? Also should i repot does it need full sun, do i protect from frost etc etc. None of my books even mention figs so I'm a bit lost. Help please!!

  • #2
    Not a fig expert,try typing in growing figs into google or whichever search engine you use,that will start you off.


    • #3
      Try this page :- figs


      • #4
        thankyou- at least i know a little more! still doesnt say what i should with it now though- like do i repot into a big, final size pot or just one a little bigger then pot on again? Ah well, live and learn!


        • #5
          A work mate has 2 fig trees. The parent is in a large pot (about 2 feet diameter)
          the tree I guess is about 6 - 7 foot in height.
          He took a cutting from this several years ago and shoved it in the ground. This took off and is about 20 feet tall. Both are heavily laden with fruit each year and I know he is giving figs away by the pound each year.

          I grew a fig in a properly constructed fig pit (all guides say make a fig pit or the tree gets big and doesnt fruit - my mate has proved this wrong) made from slabs and at the bottom filled with stone for drainage.
          It died - and so did the next 2 that went in the pit.

          I have now taken three cuttings from my mates fig and put them in pots. I have dug out the fig pit as I believe it was badly located.

          If my cuttings grow I will put one in a 2 foot plastic pot like its parent.


          • #6
            AFAIK they like to be pot bound to a certain extent.


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