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bananas in the uk


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  • bananas in the uk


    Id like to grow a banana plant. I know its not all that likely to give a decent crop but Id love one anyway. Even if I only get to enjoy one or two bananas to eat. What varieties have people had experience with?

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  • #2
    I seem to remember seeing a programme that showed the only person who has succesfully grown fruiting bananas has a specially built conservatory. He's not bananas, just first to grow them in a UK home - Nature, Environment - The Independent
    Last edited by oldie; 18-06-2010, 07:34 PM. Reason: found a link
    History teaches us that history teaches us nothing. - Hegel


    • #3
      thanks oldie, I have looked into it and a dwarf cavendish, rajapuri or orinoco are the edible hardyish ones. Now to find some seeds.

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      • #4
        Edible bananas are all clones, and not grown from seed, sadly.

        Eden Project have them fruiting, if you're ever able to make the trip. Well worth a look.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          I always try and grow from seed BUT after researching abit last night bought a little plant instead. Fingers crossed, will let you all know how it goes but it did say it could take a few years. I would love to go to the eden project. As soon as I get the oppurtunity I will go.

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          • #6
            I went into pounstretcher today and could barely contain my excitement when I saw a banana plant pack with compost, pots and seeds reduced to £1.45!

            Imagine then my horror and disgust at discovering someone had stolen the seeds!!

            I've never seen a banana plant for sale in any of the larger garden centres...


            • #7
              ahhh no!!! Thats really bad when people do that, its not like its an extortionate amount of money.

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              • #8
                Banana seeds are notoriously difficult to germinate. They are best kept in absolutely sterile conditions and require particular temperature regimes in order to break the dormancy.

                It took me over 6 months to get just one seed to germinate (out of about a dozen seeds) even though I adhered strictly to the germination requirements. If you enjoy a challenge have a go, with the potential reward of having a home grown banana plant.


                • #9
                  I remember seeing a banana tree growing outside and was forming its first ever fruit. I dont know if it did eventually grow bananas. I saw this tree on the Isle Of Wight about 30 years ago.


                  • #10
                    I bought some banana seeds last year and planted them up early this year. There were five in the packet and it did say that they were eratic. One germinated and looks very good, about 3.5' tall in a pot on the patio. I only want it for decorative purposes though so am not fussed if it doesn't fruit.

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