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  • Aphids..

    .. I've now found out why I have so many ants around my currant bushes. I looked, and there's thousands (literally) of aphids under most of the leaves of each of my currants (2x red, 1x black, 1xwhite, 1xblackberry). Each mound (the mound of them are huge - loads of tiny beggers!) of these has ants farming them - all over them. Difficult to squish all of them as the ants are trying to bite me? Got bit a few times yesterday.

    Anyway.. there's no fruit on these (planted them maybe in march) - wasn't expecting any for the first year anyway.

    If I leave them to it, will they affect the bush's develop of fruit next year? Each bush is growing really well... but I presume my previous post about rusty marks on the leaves is from these aphids.

    If the bush will continue to grow fine - I don't mind leaving them, as it's going to be a job and a half to get rid of them by hand - but don't want to do so if it's going to cause problems later on (i.e. where do they lay eggs - will they surive winter, etc)

  • #2
    You should try and get rid of them, the bush will build up it's strength for next year then, at the moment it's fighting for it's life by the sound of it.
    "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

    Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


    • #3
      hokay !

      Lady bird + washing up liquid buying time is looks like!


      • #4
        Hi Chris, not an expert but found that sowing chives around the base of soft fruit bushes does help keep the aphids at bay. They are hardy perennials though so will keep coming back each year to protect your fruit bushes.
        Perhaps it may help


        • #5
          Ideally you'd have started squishing when they first arrived. However ... now you should hose them off, or squish while running water over your hands. That will wash some off as well as keeping your fingers less messy.

          Aphids can pass viruses between plants, so you should keep on top of them.

          Don't worry about the ants, black ones don't bite although red ones will. Wash them off too.
          Last edited by Two_Sheds; 23-06-2010, 05:02 PM.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            Ok thanks! I'll give the chives a go too (although having very low germination rates for some reason!)


            • #7
              A bottle of liquid Derris + spraygun.


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