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Pear Trees


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  • Pear Trees

    When do pear trees start producing some pears? I bought 2 pear trees last year and my husband wants to know when they will start producing some pears. My neighbours says it takes years. Is that true?

  • #2
    Ive got a small pear tree, this is its 3rd season but not fruit yet!

    It does seem to have fruit buds on so with a bit of luck it might give next year!


    • #3
      The time taken to give a worthwhile crop depends on how dwarfing the rootstock and on the variety, with some types of pear taking much longer than others to fruit.
      The pear variety "Concorde" on a quince rootstock would be one of the best for early fruiting.

      Pears tend to take longer to start fruiting than apples. On semi-dwarfing quince rootstocks, pears can take five years. On very vigorous pyrus-type rootstocks, they can take over ten years and may reach a large size before cropping.

      If you've been over-feeding the tree, it encourages all energy to go into new branch growth instead of fruit.
      If the tree is growing strongly and not fruiting, you might want to reduce nitrogen and reduce watering - that should slow growth and cause some flowers to appear in following years.
      If it still grows too strongly, consider summer pruning.


      • #4
        I bought a Conference and Pear Tree Doyenne du Comiceboth from Marshall seeds. No idea what rootstock they are.



        • #5
          Our pear tree took 4 years to fruit..(Dyenne de Comice) on dwarf rootstock. After 20 odd years it is now 2 meters high and yields approx 40 kgs pears a year.

          We have a battle with thieving barstewards who steal them. They are gorgeous.


          • #6
            Bought mine from local garden center when it was full of blossom must be about 50 pears on now. mines still in the bucket bought this year tis a conference pear


            • #7
              my conference is in its second year and had a load of pears on, but FB said to pull them, so to make the tree stronger - i couldnt do it and left 3 on it!!


              • #8
                Conference or Concord, I can never remember. Second year (first in a pot), second crop, from the local garden center.

                First year in a "big" pot we got about a dozen good pears (well juicy after a week in the fridge).

                Second (this year) after replanting last November in the ground with lots & lots & lots of compost and watering loads until the frosts and lots since, at least twice as many. The tree actually produced a shed load more and then dropped what it didn't want, no picking out or thinning on my part just left it to do it's own thing, it's a tree it knows what to do!

                Graham K.


                • #9
                  I believe there is an old saying "Plant pears for your heirs."


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