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  • paw-paw

    My father has recently been raving about paw-paws (he lives in the US where the plant is native). It got me interested and I've found that they're available from quite a few nurseries here. Does anybody have any experience with them? I've got a spot for some more fruit trees/bushes and I've decided on all of them except for one last space. It was going to go to a plum tree, but the paw-paw has caught my attention...
    Hill of Beans updated April 18th

  • #2
    I absolutely adore the fruit so before growing it you might want to try and see if you like it first. It's an acquired taste, a soft mango-ish custard-y texture with a smell.

    I've been investigating it and plan on growing it but haven't prepared the spot yet (currently it has creeping buttercups, nettles and a flowering cherry). It's the only member of the family that isn't restricted to the tropics and seems to be very frost hardy.

    I don't think it's going to produce as much fruit as the plum tree...


    • #3
      Thanks for the response. I've never seen it sold anywhere, so I don't know how I would get a taste of it first. But I like mango and custardy things...

      I don't need a plant that produces as much fruit as a plum tree, it's just that plum was the first fruit that i thought of to fill this space I have. I was just curious to see if anyone had either good or bad experiences with paw-paws to make it worthwhile (or not) to grow one instead of a plum tree. But now that's two people (you and my dad) who both seem to love the fruit, so that's a big plus.
      Hill of Beans updated April 18th


      • #4
        Supposedly has a flavour between a mango and a banana. Is very hardy but needs a good hot summer to do the fruit justice. Generally pest and disease free which is always a bonus. Does not like chalky soils. May give one a go next year.



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