Yes very interesting to read about bee's. I'd like to do more for them next season, and try to encourage them into my garden - amazingly this year I had a honeybee (i think) turn up and get amongst one of my courgette flowers, when it emerged from the flower it was bright yellow and furry from the pollen. soon after were more honeybees, which continued to devour the pollen until there was none left 
apparently there are honeybees around norwich castle, someone said they used to/might still make honey up there. so its worth a shot intruducing bee freindly plants next year
as for the blueberries, im very tempted to buy some now! although it will be a pain putting up bird netting in the very limited space i have...although i never really see any birds here, its very well covered and there is nothing for them here, so maybe they would overlook my berries?

apparently there are honeybees around norwich castle, someone said they used to/might still make honey up there. so its worth a shot intruducing bee freindly plants next year

as for the blueberries, im very tempted to buy some now! although it will be a pain putting up bird netting in the very limited space i have...although i never really see any birds here, its very well covered and there is nothing for them here, so maybe they would overlook my berries?