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apricot trees


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  • apricot trees

    i have tried to grow an apricot tree, but when i btought it home it did not look good. are they easy to grow or are they tender? i have one cooking apple tree, 2 eating apples and a plum tree and a pear tree as well as 2 fig trees in my garden and all are doing well. also 2 grapes so i do not think it is weather that killed it. as i am unsure of trying again as they are not cheap, any advise please?
    many thanks

  • #2
    I don't have one yet, but a friend has one and it gre very big in just a few years and does well for him, can you complain to the supplier ?


    • #3
      How long did you have the apricot tree for? If you had just bought it then you could complain.
      I have never grown one but I would imagine if you can grow a fig then it should not be too cold for the apricot...the frost might prevent them fruiting by killing off the flowers but I believe there is a later flowering variety available now?
      BTW, welcome to the Vine FC!


      • #4
        Hi I bought a dwarf apricot tree five years ago by mail order it is now 30ft high in order to get fruit I have to put a lit hurricane lamp under it on nights when frost is forecast once it flowers in march, the fruit is worth the trouble.


        • #5
          Apricot trees are hardy and mine did not turn a hair during the last two severe Winters. It is the flowers that can be frosted.


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