I took a pile of box cuttings last year which normally root easily but had a look at them yesterday, rien, nada, all duff and I think that's down to the winter.
I'm re-aligning my fruit bush raised beds over the next week or so, time for my annual tinker, they're not in the right place and as they're really not at all productive, I'm effectively starting again.
That said, the thornless blackberries and tayberries, which grow in boxes over the fruit arch have given loads of fruit in the past two years and the tayberries are going to be divided today, that makes 4 plants from the original one. Best way of getting new plants
I'm re-aligning my fruit bush raised beds over the next week or so, time for my annual tinker, they're not in the right place and as they're really not at all productive, I'm effectively starting again.
That said, the thornless blackberries and tayberries, which grow in boxes over the fruit arch have given loads of fruit in the past two years and the tayberries are going to be divided today, that makes 4 plants from the original one. Best way of getting new plants
