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Fruit tree recommendation please


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  • Fruit tree recommendation please

    Hi All,

    Our flowering cherry has had it and has to go. I want to plant something a bit more useful in the area some feet in front of its roots to do a similar job of being pretty in the garden but I really would like something edible. I've got apples and pears elsewhere and was thinking plums or apricots - or?

    Its a very sunny part of the garden, near the patio but circa 10' from the fence so not completely sheltered. The area is currently grass and solid clay so will need a bit of improving first.

    This area is very visible from the house so has to be pretty as well as edible and not too enormous.

    Has anyone got any ideas for a tree type/variety which you would use? I'm looking for a tasty and reasonably productive variety, and also anything that adds a little beauty to the back of the patio?


  • #2
    Apricots, peaches and nectarines are difficult to grow in the UK. I would definitely not plant one as a decorative tree.

    Plums can be very troubled by wasps, which would be undesirable in a well-used area. However, the better moisture retention of clay soil would suit plums or pears particularly well.

    I'd recommend a rootstock such as St.Julien A for plums or Quince A for pears, or MM106 for apples. They will reach about 9-12ft (3-4m) if unpruned, but can be kept at half that size if pruned properly. On a moisture-retaining clay soil, they will probably be at the upper end of the size range.
    However, you may find that "stone fruits" will be affected by "replant disease" (lack of vigour and sickly) in the vicinity of the old cherry trees root spread.

    Personally, I would opt for a late-ripening apple.
    Apples are more reliable croppers, easier to look after, don't need using all at once when they ripen, and the late-ripening types, cookers or thick-skinned fruits tend not to suffer much from wasp damage.
    I won't bore you with suggestions for apple trees though, as you suggest that you don't need any more.


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