I was delousing....degreenflying my gooseberry bushes yesterday, found the odd teeny tiny sawfly (I assume they were these as they were white with a tiny black dot on the head and I mean the whole thing was tiny - only about 5mm long). One of the things that I found was a grey looking slug like creature with the same slimy sheen as a slug, a more whitey/grey colouring than a slug, there were no legs or discernible head but when it moved it squirmed forward with the front part becoming more pointed until the body caught up. I took it off the bush but gave it the benefit of the doubt and didn't squish it - there was only one and it was slow moving so assume it was not a predator. It was about 1cm to 1.5cm depending on how it was moving (kind of moved like a leech).
Any ideas? and next time should I squish? Would have taken a photo but my camera won't focus that small
Any ideas? and next time should I squish? Would have taken a photo but my camera won't focus that small