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Container grown Vine ?


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  • Container grown Vine ?

    I have been offered a Grape Vine .... is it practical to grow a vine in a container inside a greenhouse. (unheated)

    Green house is 10' long so presumably I would train vine along inner ridge.

    Even if I grew outside it would have to be container as ground is no good for anything except mares tail !

    I'm in S. Wales coatal but sheltered.

    If this is practical ..... what size container do I need, and is a GP compost OK to plant it in ? ... I use Vitax Q4 for everything else.
    Do I need to add sand or Lime to it for example.

  • #2
    Grapes probably won't get regular and even enough water supply in a container, reuslting in split fruits.

    What's wrong with your soil that concerns you about planting a grape in it?

    My grape (Black Hamburg) grows in some shockingly poor soil along the South side of my house, under a very dry roof overhang. It is rarely cared-for, other than a bit of tidying-up in winter. Its biggest problem is summer droughts causing shrivelling of the fruits if not watered.
    It doesn't seem to have any special nutritional requirements.

    In the old vine houses, the vines were rooted outside and their "trunks" were grown through a hole in the wall, keeping the vine within the protection of the greenhouse but leaving the roots free to roam in the outdoor soil.


    • #3
      I don't have any soil, the house is built on land that was an old railway sidings and is industrial waste, mainly slag from steelworks.

      I built raised beds and they have been very successful.

      I thought vines did much better in a greenhouse ? ...(in UK)
      I could look at putting in one of the raised beds.
      Do roots go deep or wide ?


      • #4
        Should have said earlier, I had about 5 tonnes (I estimate now) of soil I just got rid of!!! That'd have created you a nice deep layer ;p


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