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What is happened to my pear tree?


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  • What is happened to my pear tree?

    I have a pear tree what was planted 2 years ago. It did sent gree leaves in spring but suddenly all leaves wilted and dried out. The bark on the main stem was cracked and the stem looks like dead wood. Does anyone know what is happened to it?

  • #2
    Can you put up a picture?

    I'd guess at canker or fireblight.

    Pears are not easy to grow organically in the UK, especially in the Western half, where the heavier rainfall encourages diseases such as canker.


    • #3
      Im not sure about yours but a couple of mine got hit by frost and made the leaves go all dry and crinkly.

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      • #4
        Thanks guys

        FB. Here the pictures. Unfortunately I have cut off the top stem and top branches already in an attempt to stop the problem to spread out because they were totally wilted and dried out. This is what has left. One of three branches that are left start to wilt as well. Any hope for the remaining tree?
        Attached Files
        Last edited by chengjing; 13-05-2011, 11:45 AM.


        • #5
          It is canker.
          The high rainfall in your area would be a major contributing factor, since canker is most active in wet weather.

          The cankered parts must be cut out as soon as possible or it will rapidly spread to other parts of the tree. If cankers are on the main trunk, you may be able to use a large sharp knife to cut them out.

          If you're desperate to save it, cut out all the cankers and then spray with Bordeaux mixture.

          It doesn't look good though, but I have somtimes salvaged trees in equally poor condition. The surgery required is drastic and the tree will take a couple of years to recover.


          • #6
            Thanks very much FB, much appreciated. I will try to cut it down to good wood if there is any left after that we will see how it goes. Just in case I have to dig it out, is it ok to plant another pear tree in the same place?


            • #7
              I think that pears will be a lost cause.
              The canker spores will be all around your plot, so potentially able to infect a new tree - especially if you plant the same variety that you already have.

              Only a few varieties of pear are able to resist canker. the old variety "Hessle" shows some resistance.

              However, good pruning and quick removal of cankered bits would help tremendously.
              With my unsprayed trees, I have a philosophy of: if I don't like the look of something, I cut it off as soon as possible.

              Bordeaux Mixture isn't too much effort as a canker-control, if you don't mind using chemicals - it only requires a few sprays each year. But I am not in favour of using chemicals.


              • #8
                Thanks very much FB. I still got 3 other pear trees in the area so I will dig it up and get rid of it hopefully it will not speared to other plants. Maybe get something else like stone fruit trees there. Thanks a lot.


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