3 yrs ago we bought a mirabelle tree from Lidle for 99p.
This is the first year it's properly flowered- and it was absolutely fantastic!!!
We've slowly been watching the fruitlets drop off until I thought they'd all gone.
Ah well- maybe next year eh????
BUT Wait!!!!...this morning checking for pests I spotted 2 fruit hidden behind some leaves!!...wooo hoo thinks I...
Hmm...those are a bit of a funny shape
....oh yeh...guess what????...it's a flippin damson tree!

( now I'm wondering what the 'damson tree' I bought at the same time is going to produce!!!!!)
This is the first year it's properly flowered- and it was absolutely fantastic!!!
We've slowly been watching the fruitlets drop off until I thought they'd all gone.
Ah well- maybe next year eh????
BUT Wait!!!!...this morning checking for pests I spotted 2 fruit hidden behind some leaves!!...wooo hoo thinks I...
Hmm...those are a bit of a funny shape

( now I'm wondering what the 'damson tree' I bought at the same time is going to produce!!!!!)
