3 years ago we moved into a property with a magnificent pear tree. Over 75 years old (we are told) it stands about 50 feet high and looks fantastic - but each August our dangerous nightmare begins. The tree is smothered in pears - thousands of them. They are large, smooth, yellow/blush when fully ripe but grainy/mushy and not the best flavour. The tree is so huge that they are impossible to pick (we got 500 off last July but 4 times that amount still ripened on the tree). They fall already packed with wasps - a single pear can hold dozens. We also have a different variety of pear (small round darker fruits) in the garden but this is failing and will soon be removed. Trouble is, other similar potential cultivar trees are in neighbouring gardens. Thousands of gorged wasps in your garden is no fun and we must act but really don't want to remove this lovely tree. Pollarding sufficiently to give access to fruits is an option but would be so drastic given size I assume that it might kill the tree. Can I infect it with something to stop the fruit? What eats wasps?
Any ideas anyone?
Any ideas anyone?