I have taken a bold step and made a new bed for my strawberries!!!! I have dug up the plants decorating my thin borders next to the small fence between nextdoor. After taking out all the massive stones and old roots the soil look awesome. I filled the border with LOADS of compost and manure so it was piled about 1-2 feet high. i then firmed, covered and pegged down with thick black plastic as a kind of mulch=]
My though was as we have had another burst of sunshine I moved my strawberries there and cut back all the leaves to the crown in hope the roots develop well before winter???
I hope i did the right thing or i have just wasted 25 cambridge favs=[=[=[
My though was as we have had another burst of sunshine I moved my strawberries there and cut back all the leaves to the crown in hope the roots develop well before winter???
I hope i did the right thing or i have just wasted 25 cambridge favs=[=[=[