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Plum Tree flowering


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  • Plum Tree flowering

    My plum tree has flowers!! Seems earlier than last year, but forgot to note the date. Anyone else got any ideas?

  • #2
    Next door's plum is in flower RL - and my damson. I think they are a bit early. Sloes and bullaces on our usual walk are in full flight too but a few years down the line it was often May before they got going. Global Warming isn't just a myth! This year's frogspawn was about 3 weeks early too.
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #3
      I'm not sure, RL - didn't note the date last year, but my plum tree is looking such a picture that I took a snap and put it on the blog! Cherry tree hasn't quite got its blossom - but only about a week away, I think.


      • #4
        My peach is only just flowering, my cherry at home is breaking nicely into leaf, but the cherry, plum, apples and apricot up the plot where its a bit more exposed, are only now opening their leaves. Did see the pear had the 1st of the blossom though on Friday but then the stupid thing was trying to grow pears in winter!! I never think to write dates down, despite good intentions, so couldn't say whether early or not.


        • #5
          My plum tree was only planted last year but has been in flower for over a week now. I'm quite surprised at the amount of blossom as I didn't expect anything for a couple of years.

          Look forward to the end result
          Save the earth - it's the only planet with chocolate


          • #6
            Just my little tree that's not in blossom then. Better go & give it a talking to. Tell it to pull it's small root (well it's not got a finger) out & get on with it!


            • #7
              my damson put in last oct is in full bloom, looks lovley
              Yo an' Bob
              Walk lightly on the earth
              take only what you need
              give all you can
              and your produce will be bountifull


              • #8
                Have all the plums and cherries at the front of the house flowering at the moment, looks wonderful from the terrace.

                Plum and apple in the back looking good as well ...........
                TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                • #9
                  Pictured of my plum flowers

                  Managed to get some piccies of my plum blossom (big thank yous to eldest daughter). It's looking really good, hope the bees get busy pollinating and we don't get a frost. Am collecting recipes ready for harvest. Made plum chutney and plum sauce last year (brilliant), plus far more plums than we could eat fresh.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Now im jealous. Planted 3 new plums last year and no blossom as yet! Guess i will be waiting til next year.


                    • #11
                      My cherry tree is flowering. Only put it in last autumn so there are only a few flowers. Not expecting much of a harvest!
                      You are a child of the universe,
                      no less than the trees and the stars;
                      you have a right to be here.

                      Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                      blog: and my (basic!) page:


                      • #12
                        felt plums...!

                        Hi there
                        We have a plum tree and it flowered early.... now we have little plums....about 20% are looking normal, ie small and berry like, but the rest are bigger and flat like a prune with a strange white felty appearance like frosting on them....I opened one up and it was like it had a hollow space for a full size seed but just a tiny seed inside.
                        This is the first time it has fruited, I don't know what kind it is, it came with the house and appears healthy in all other respects.
                        Any one got any idea...?


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