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Putting rootstock in greenhouse prior to grafting


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  • Putting rootstock in greenhouse prior to grafting

    I'm grafting a load of 2 year old, m26 and mm106 rootstock this spring to grow them as espaliers and cordons. Last year all my carefully sourced scion wood started growing in the fridge (either due to ethylene exposure or high temperatures) and so was useless. This year I want to graft my trees asap to reduce the risk of the same thing happening.

    I thought I might put the rootstocks which are in 30cm containers in my unheated greenhouse to get them growing earlier so I can graft earlier. I could then leave them in the greenhouse until the apple trees outside start growing.

    Are there any serious flaws to what I am planning?
    Last edited by hailtryfan; 03-03-2012, 05:20 PM.

  • #2
    It sounds like you're planning to bud-graft in summer? Even if the rootstock is ready for grafting earlier, the scion wood might not be.

    Why can't you cleft-graft them now?



    • #3
      I am going to cleft graft them but I've heard that the graft is more likely to take if the rootstock is growing but the scion wood is dormant. Is this wrong? Do you think the scion wood will take if the rootstock is still fully dormant?


      • #4
        Ah, I see what you mean.

        If you want to give the rootstock a headstart for a week or so then I don't see a problem.

        Most important is that the graft is nicely bound (to be airtight) by para-film, electrical tape, clingfilm or proper grafting tape. The cut surfaces of the scion and rootstock are very sensitive to drying-out and will not bond together unless all air is excluded to prevent drying.


        • #5
          Thanks FB. If you can't see any problems,that's good enough for me.


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