I know nothing about raspberries at the moment except that I like to eat them . Last year I planted a few autumn raspberry canes, in a hurry, some of which lived and some died. They're currently beginning to grow small leaves, and there are tiny ones popping up in the bare earth around them. The 'mummy' ones are about 12 inches tall and haven't been pruned. I suspect they're a bit close together, not really sure.
I later planted a few rather tatty summer ones which I got cheap in a bundle and which looked like dead sticks. Most of these still look like dead sticks, although a couple have the odd bud appearing on the single short stem. Some of the single stems have got broken off so there's nothing to see. Again, probably a bit close together.
Advice please! Please note: they're all planted in small beds dug into what's basically a field... so loads of vicious grasses and weeds everywhere all around. Will take some time to get it under control...
1. What 'should' I do with the autumn ones where they're sending up babies? I'm reluctant to throw the babes away, but don't currently have anywhere ready to transplant them to. Will it cause problems if I just leave everything this year and sort out the muddle at the appropriate time later in the year / early next year?
2. Should the summer ones be showing vigorous / obvious signs of growth by now? How practical would it be to leave them a bit closely spaced and transplant later, assuming any of them is alive? Should I cut all the single dead looking stems down to the ground (including my one and only bud!) and hope for the best? Is this the time to be putting blind faith to the test??
I know nothing about raspberries at the moment except that I like to eat them . Last year I planted a few autumn raspberry canes, in a hurry, some of which lived and some died. They're currently beginning to grow small leaves, and there are tiny ones popping up in the bare earth around them. The 'mummy' ones are about 12 inches tall and haven't been pruned. I suspect they're a bit close together, not really sure.
I later planted a few rather tatty summer ones which I got cheap in a bundle and which looked like dead sticks. Most of these still look like dead sticks, although a couple have the odd bud appearing on the single short stem. Some of the single stems have got broken off so there's nothing to see. Again, probably a bit close together.
Advice please! Please note: they're all planted in small beds dug into what's basically a field... so loads of vicious grasses and weeds everywhere all around. Will take some time to get it under control...
1. What 'should' I do with the autumn ones where they're sending up babies? I'm reluctant to throw the babes away, but don't currently have anywhere ready to transplant them to. Will it cause problems if I just leave everything this year and sort out the muddle at the appropriate time later in the year / early next year?
2. Should the summer ones be showing vigorous / obvious signs of growth by now? How practical would it be to leave them a bit closely spaced and transplant later, assuming any of them is alive? Should I cut all the single dead looking stems down to the ground (including my one and only bud!) and hope for the best? Is this the time to be putting blind faith to the test??