Total novice here-we have got a couple of gooseberry bushes at my father on laws house which have been ignored for a number of years. They still produce fruit but this is the first year we are living close by so I want to try and get a small harvest from them. I've read the following from the RHS site:
1. In mid-June to July, shorten the current season�s growth back to five leaves, except for those branches needed to extend the main framework. This pruning should not remove fruit, as fruit develops mainly on the older wood, not the current season�s growth.
2. In winter, spur prune all side shoots by cutting them back to one to three buds from the base. Shorten branch tips by one quarter, cutting to a suitable outward facing bud.
3. Repeat steps 2 and 3 each year as maintenance pruning.
But I've also read that some pruning can be done in March?
The plants are around 3 foot high and look as though they are in good health-is there any pruning I can do now to improve the harvest? I plan on mulching the area around the bush and trimming the shrubs that surround it to give it more light.
1. In mid-June to July, shorten the current season�s growth back to five leaves, except for those branches needed to extend the main framework. This pruning should not remove fruit, as fruit develops mainly on the older wood, not the current season�s growth.
2. In winter, spur prune all side shoots by cutting them back to one to three buds from the base. Shorten branch tips by one quarter, cutting to a suitable outward facing bud.
3. Repeat steps 2 and 3 each year as maintenance pruning.
But I've also read that some pruning can be done in March?
The plants are around 3 foot high and look as though they are in good health-is there any pruning I can do now to improve the harvest? I plan on mulching the area around the bush and trimming the shrubs that surround it to give it more light.