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Brown Patches on my Lemon tree


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  • Brown Patches on my Lemon tree

    I bought two lemon trees from Aldi and one seems to be growing fine but the other seems to have developed brown patches on the leaves and they eventually curl up and fall off. Also the first tree has new growth but the one with the brown patches doesn't seem to have any new growth. Is there anything I can do to help it?

  • #2
    How big are they are and where are you keeping them?


    • #3
      If you uncurl the dry leaves is there anything creepy crawly inside? Cheers, Tony.
      Semper in Excrementem Altitvdo Solvs Varivs.


      • #4
        Its normal at this time of year for leaf loss, as the tree starts its spring growth it will drop leaves , it depends how many its loosing it should only drop the oldest ones that should dry out and roll up and fall off complete with the petiole

        when the leaves drop the petiole ( leaf stalk ) should drop as well , occasionaly it will stay on the tree is fine , if the leaf falls and leaves petiole firmly fixed to the tree its bad!

        Check carefully for spider mites just incase, but its probably just getting ready to grow

        Have you got a photo of it , its easier to tell with a photo
        Last edited by starloc; 23-03-2012, 06:20 PM.
        Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


        • #5
          They are probably 3ft, and have 6 lemons on one and 5 on the other. I have them in my conservatory, which is all glass and south facing and I bought them 2/3 weeks ago. I have since examined them much more closely and the one with the brown patches looks to be some kind of infestation of minute bug. The patches start off as tiny brown spots which merge together making large brown patches. Looks like I have to get something quick as a lot of leaves are infected now..
          I have a couple of pics but am not sure how to put them on here..
          Last edited by ellie112001; 25-03-2012, 12:57 AM.


          • #6

            Ok I figured out how to do it, this is one of the Infected leaves


            • #7
              the link just says invalid attachment

              Ive never done it but people use a site called photobucket to put pictures on to get them to show up , seems to be the easiest way
              Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


              • #8
                Oh thanks for your help, I'm a quick learner and have opened up an account with photobucket and uploaded the pics there.. Here's the link, hope it works this time lol..

                Plant Probs pictures by ellie112001 - Photobucket


                • #9
                  Does it go right through the leaves marks lining up top and bottom?

                  If its just on one side try scraping it off ( spray with a bit of water first ), there are some scale insects that can make patches like that of a powdery limescale like substance, however they are usualy on the center vein of the leaf , and much smaller patches

                  I think its just damage from frost when they were shipped to the aldi , the ones i got this year had a bit of frost damage that looks a bit like that , it wasnt there at first but is definately frost damage on mine

                  On the large trees i have they get marks like that from the thorns, so its also possible it was from the trees being packed tightly together
                  Last edited by starloc; 26-03-2012, 05:35 PM.
                  Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


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