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why won't my &*%$ passionfruit seeds germinate?


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  • why won't my &*%$ passionfruit seeds germinate?

    passionfruit vine seeds from Real Seeds

    Have tried twice. First started early Feb in the airing cupboard, covered propagator. Nada.

    Tried again in mid-March, into non-thermostatic heated propagator (B&Q cheapie) in the conservatory. The cayenne peppers and aubergines have finally come up- no sign of the passionfruit.

    Any ideas? Everything I read about passionfruit suggested it romped away to take over the world, but I can't get any to even appear
    Last edited by salome2001; 15-04-2012, 09:11 PM. Reason: spelling

  • #2
    Unless the seeds are very fresh ( out of fruit from supermarket etc ) they can take months to germinate

    Just leave them and they should grow eventually
    Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


    • #3
      ok, I'll keep them in there and hope for the best

      Might also buy some passionfruit next time I'm up at Asda....

      (worked a treat getting physalis seeds- got 8 nice looking seedlings....)
      Last edited by salome2001; 16-04-2012, 09:25 PM. Reason: can't spell


      • #4
        Can I ask are the seeds passiflora edulis? seemingly they are more difficult to germinate.I have grown passionflowers from seed,both from a packet of ornamentals and from the fruit from a supermarket.
        You will be very lucky to get any edible fruit in this country without some protection,like a greenhouse or a very sheltered spot against a wall.


        • #5
          yes they are, and they are now just starting to poke their little shoots up, so I just wasn't patient enough!

          They are destined for a trellis against a the garage, very sheltered.

          I would love to think I could just grow them rambling over (taking over) the back fence like my friends in Brisbane....


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