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How deep is your topsoil?


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  • How deep is your topsoil?

    Poll coming shortly

    How deep is the topsoil in your garden and/or your allotment (if you have one).

    This poll allows more than one answer.


  • #2
    In my garden it's less than a foot before you hit heavy clay, but not an option for that on the poll, it's a bit better on the 'lotment


    • #3
      Deep enough to bury a cat.


      • #4
        We found at least 2ft of topsoil when we dug out the garden pond after that it coal and clay.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • #5
          Would anyone like to swap my 2' for something a bit less please? A little exploratory digging has made me reconsider!


          • #6
            topsoil, clay, all give way to the gravel that works its way to the surface, despite the OH slaving in the sun (when there was some) digging out and riddling our veg beds. My poor carrots!
            If the river hasn't reached the top of your step, DON'T PANIC!


            • #7
              +3ft of sandy top soil, getting progressively more sandy the deeper you go. At about 3ft down it's almost pure sand. Beneath that appears to be very large pieces of gravel (5-20cm).

              If anyone is interested there is an excellent interactive map of the UK's geology here (from the British Geological Society):
              OpenGeoscience | Free data | British Geological Survey (BGS)

              which.... more precisely identifies my soil as follows:

              Lithological Description: Sand and gravel, locally with lenses of silt, clay or peat.

              Definition of Lower Boundary: Rests on bedrock geology of London Clay, or Woolwich and Reading Beds.

              Definition of Upper Boundary:At surface.

              Thickness: Average thickness 6m, but much thicker where infilling deep hollows.
              Last edited by DuncanM; 14-05-2012, 06:07 PM.


              • #8
                I can't answer the question because I don't know. I have been down to the depth of a spade (the blade, not the whole thing!) and still had good quality soil at that depth, but I'm not going digging big holes to find out
                Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


                Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


                • #9
                  At least 2 feet, I have never had any reason to dig any deeper. I know it's clay underneath but I don't know when it begins.


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