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Raspberries New or Old?


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  • Raspberries New or Old?

    I need a bit of advice. I have spent many an hour digging two Raspberry trenchies. I've lined the bottom with liberal amounts of manure then covered it back up again. Put in supports and covered it with plantex to reduce the couch grass problem and am now ready to plant the canes.

    But I can't decide what to do! Several weeks ago somebody gave me some raspberry canes from their plot. They were healed in but as the weather was so bad and the trenchies weren't ready they haven't been planted properly yet. I'm just concerned that I have put in all these hours of prep work knowing that the canes would be there for several years. But what happens if the canes I were given were either damaged in the cold or weren 't very good in the first place! Then I'd have to more or less start again.

    Do you think I should buy some from a reputable supplier or take a chance with the freebies? I can't decide and the clock is ticking. HELP

  • #2
    Just use the freebies, raspberries are hardier than they look, if you want do a mix of bought and free (covering your bets) but do remember you are going to get a number of free plants off these over the years. In the third year my raspberries sent up many new canes, too may for the row, so I used them to make a new row. The raspberries should be fine, they are shallowed rooted, so frost always gets at them but they survive!
    Last edited by andrewo; 14-03-2006, 11:29 AM.
    Best wishes
    Harbinger of Rhubarb tales


    • #3
      Emma put in the free raspberry canes they will be fine. But don't expect much out of them in the first year - give them chance to get going. That goes for any fruit bushes whether free or bought from a supplier. They usually need the first year to get themselves established.


      • #4
        Hi Emma

        Fingers crossed for your replanted raspberries... Similar happened with mine this year expect mine were planted in the wrong place at the wrong time and 4 weeks ago I had to dig mine up and replant them.

        Form experience they do seem a lot hardier than people think they are, but like Lesley Jay says, don't expect too much this year as they will spend a lot of energy this year building up it's root system.

        That said, last year (their first) I did get quite a nice amount of them seeing as I was expecting nothing!


        "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


        • #5
          Hi Emma i agree with every thing above but have you thought,of putting 3 differentty types in ie an early a late and a golden,if you get a late one and plant now you will have some this year september time
          Last edited by j e p; 21-03-2006, 08:17 PM.


          • #6

            Yes, I've dug three trenchies, each with different types to prolong the season. I had Raspberries last year but as there weren't loads (but still a good crop) the children ate them all before I got them home. So I thought if I went to town (approx 66 plants) I might just get some home and hopefully with enough spare for freezing and Jam etc. Or I could just end up with very fat children!!!


            • #7
              Just remember Emma. 3cwt (hundredweight if your not that old) of Raspberries only counts as 1 portion of fruit!! 3cwt of Rhubarb is a shortage of loo rolls
              Never be afraid to try something new.
              Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
              A large group of professionals built the Titanic


              • #8
                ..or a visit to AndrewO's!!
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #9
                  Hee hee, or rhubarb schnapps!

                  But Emma, wouldn't you rather they ate an excess of raspberries than chocolate, crisps or cake? Doubt they'll get fat on them

                  "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


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