I need a bit of advice. I have spent many an hour digging two Raspberry trenchies. I've lined the bottom with liberal amounts of manure then covered it back up again. Put in supports and covered it with plantex to reduce the couch grass problem and am now ready to plant the canes.
But I can't decide what to do! Several weeks ago somebody gave me some raspberry canes from their plot. They were healed in but as the weather was so bad and the trenchies weren't ready they haven't been planted properly yet. I'm just concerned that I have put in all these hours of prep work knowing that the canes would be there for several years. But what happens if the canes I were given were either damaged in the cold or weren 't very good in the first place! Then I'd have to more or less start again.
Do you think I should buy some from a reputable supplier or take a chance with the freebies? I can't decide and the clock is ticking. HELP
But I can't decide what to do! Several weeks ago somebody gave me some raspberry canes from their plot. They were healed in but as the weather was so bad and the trenchies weren't ready they haven't been planted properly yet. I'm just concerned that I have put in all these hours of prep work knowing that the canes would be there for several years. But what happens if the canes I were given were either damaged in the cold or weren 't very good in the first place! Then I'd have to more or less start again.
Do you think I should buy some from a reputable supplier or take a chance with the freebies? I can't decide and the clock is ticking. HELP