I am not sure which branch I should train as a central leader on my scrumptious minarette, there are two contenders - see pic below.
The left branch is the straightest, but it is not as tall and thick as the right hand branch. It also has that stump next to it which I don't think is ideal (could it be trimmed?).
The branch lower down on the right is sturdier and taller - however isn't as straight but perhaps it could be trained.
Which would be the best? any help appreciated.
The left branch is the straightest, but it is not as tall and thick as the right hand branch. It also has that stump next to it which I don't think is ideal (could it be trimmed?).
The branch lower down on the right is sturdier and taller - however isn't as straight but perhaps it could be trained.
Which would be the best? any help appreciated.