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GREEN BLACKCURRANT, (white blackcurrant, brown currant)


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  • GREEN BLACKCURRANT, (white blackcurrant, brown currant)

    and a list of other names, a unusuall blackcurrant variety that never turns black , plants leaves smell like blackcurrant but very mild, fruit is tangy but not as musky as some blackcurrants, flesh is greeny as is skin but has brown/red pigmentation to areas, but almost translucent, very soft fruit
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  • #2
    just had a google, and to me it looks like a jostaberry, a cross between a blackcurrent and gooseberry!


    • #3
      I have a plant of the variety 'Ojeblanc' in my garden. It's a blackcurrant, but the currants stay transparant. It's a young plant, only planted this year so no fruit yet. Should have a very nice flavour (softer).
      The currants in the picture above are darker than those in the catalogue of De Proeftuin (my supplier)...
      Last edited by sugar; 23-07-2012, 08:17 PM.


      • #4
        this variety come with no name, i may try and add the ojeblanc to compare against this variety,
        proeftuin have some intresting products, ive seen there ojeblanc picture much more green berries than these

        Originally posted by sugar View Post
        I have a plant of the variety 'Ojeblanc' in my garden. It's a blackcurrant, but the currants stay transparant. It's a young plant, only planted this year so no fruit yet. Should have a very nice flavour (softer).
        The currants in the picture above are darker than those in the catalogue of De Proeftuin (my supplier)...


        • #5
          Originally posted by swaine View Post
          this variety come with no name, i may try and add the ojeblanc to compare against this variety,
          proeftuin have some intresting products, ive seen there ojeblanc picture much more green berries than these
          They sure have . It's a collector that started selling plants. He has en amazing collection of small fruits.


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