well,despite a very similar dark summer to last year,with just occasional hours of sunlight,and enough rain to give jonah and his ark an inferiority complex,we picked our peaches from the greenhouse,we knew they were ripe when they started falling off the tree,as its a young tree,we didnt leave many on there but the taste is great,if someone had told me that we would get good fruit on a summer? like this,i would have problems believing them,but the taste of the two we have eaten so far is a lot better than the solid cannonballs sold by the supermarkets.we have been trying to complete the change of use of the old chooks coop area, into a greenhouse/orangery,where we can grow our peaches,melons,grapes,figs etc but to say it has rained would be an understatement,for the last few days we have seen thunder and rain that fell like a waterfall/cascade,in ten minutes yesterday we saw our back garden under 1 1/2ins of water,i was only in the shed but it was too deep to paddle the ten paces back to the house.when finished the new g/house will be 3 x 5 mtrs and 6 - 8 ft high,protected on 3 sides by brick walls,so might try some exotics,if peaches will grow in scotland ,who knows?,before anyone thinks it a possibility,NO whacky baccy,maybe a pineapple...