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Raised Bed: Fig & Comfrey


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  • Raised Bed: Fig & Comfrey

    This combination of planting came about purely because I'd prepared the bed solely for the Fig, and then I had nowhere to plant the Comfrey (Bocking 14), so tucked it into the soil far left corner, and both are positively thriving now....

    Whilst I have put some Calendulas, Borage, Alyssum and such in the bed to brighten it up for the summer, I have no need to use this raised bed (approx. 6ft wide by 1ft deep, in front of the potting shed, by about 2ft tall) ordinarily for anything BUT the Fig.

    Does anybody have any thoughts on the wisdom of adding another Comfrey (Bocking 14 strain) tucked into the far right of the bed in the Autumn, and then letting the Comfrey plants 'ramble a bit' at the roots of the Fig (Brown Turkey) next year and forever after?
    It would serve to 'contain' the Comfrey and I thought may 'benefit' the potential fruitfulness of The Fig somehow?

    I'd be really interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on my haphazzard thought process here....

  • #2
    Its a cracking use of space Wellie. The fig is only going to grow up and out and as bocking 14 comfrey is very tame in its spreading, isnt going to smother the whole bed, although would that really cause any problems if it did?

    The only caveat I would have would be to mulch or top dress a bit extra in the winter to keep both the comfrey and the fig well fed and productive when in active growth.
    Last edited by pigletwillie; 29-04-2007, 01:24 PM.


    • #3
      Cheers for that Piggy. Mulch appreciated!.....


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