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Anyone grow or know anything about Physilis ( Cape Gooseberry)


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  • #16
    Well looks like they are on target, they are late fruiting, which is nice


    • #17
      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      This is my first year without one I had the same plant growing in the GH for at least 5 years - in about 4" of soil! Tough old things!! Grew it from a supermarket berry. If a berry fell off and I missed it, a group of babies would appear the next year. I'd pick mine when the husk was papery, sometimes just a skeletal shell. the deeper orange the fruit the better, but leave them too long and they split. I've picked them right through the winter, not a lot but a taste is sometimes all you need
      Mine are growing well!! 4 plants taking up the back of the greenhouse and all over 5ft. Do you want some seeds back VC??


      • #18
        Hi Scarlet. Glad they're growing for you I still have some seeds left, thanks. If not I know someone who does


        • #19
          Will these die off in winter if outside? or do they go to ground over winter and come back each spring? We don't have a poly tunnel or gh.

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          One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

          Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


          • #20
            In the GH they don't die back completely, the stems stay viable and new stems and leaves grow from them, although new shoots also come from the base. So I don't actually know what would happen if they were outside, sorry!!


            • #21
              we grew some about 5/6 years ago,in the g/house,but i was the only one to eat them ,our daughter,who raved about them ,had moved out before they were ready,but i didnt know that they could survive a winter in there,might try again in new g/house..thanks for the info..


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