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My little fig tree


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  • My little fig tree

    Hi there,

    I've not posted for a couple of years, but I have literally just moved into a new house with a large garden (after many years with a tiny courtyard) and I think I'm going to do some proper fruit and veg growing. Which means asking lots of very basic questions.

    For starters: I got one of the cheap brown turkey fig trees from the last issue of the magazine. It showed up and seems healthy, but is also fairly tiny - maybe 8 inches tall. Eventually I'd like to find it a permanent home in the garden, but for now I need to get a sense of where the sun shines and what goes where before I plant anything permanently, so I'm going to keep it in a pot till spring. That said, I don't know if I should put it in a large pot straight away and leave it outside or whether I should keep it in its small pot inside. Or something else entirely.

    Any suggestions gratefully received.

  • #2
    Didn't you get any cultural instructions with it?


    • #3
      Well... it tells me how to look after it in general, but not whether I can stick it outside now. So I think I can look after it long term, it's just making sure it survives the next few weeks that is the problem.


      • #4
        What size pot is it in?


        • #5
          It's a small pot - 5 inches maybe. I checked again last night, no real instructions about what to do NOW.


          • #6
            I'm no expert, but I'd put it in a slightly larger pot and keep it somewhere frost free over winter. I take cuttings from mine and they look pretty dead once they've lost their leaves. I leave them in the corner of the greenhouse to root and most of them start budding up in spring.


            • #7
              Thank you - that was my guess, but I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing. I suspect the newly inherited greenhouse should be fine for the moment. Just need to remember to water occasionally.


              • #8
                I got one of these too. I've potted it on into one of the black supermarket flower buckets - it's now sitting happily in the polytunnel.


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