I was in Germany last week and a local garden centre had Apfelbeere (Appleberry) plants. Not knowing what they are I purchased a couple thinking they were some sort of hybrid, but taking a bit of a chance on whether they can grow in UK conditions etc.
Having done a few google searches, all that seems to come up is some kind of Australian fruit plant of the same name, with long fruits (up to 30cm). This is not the same as what I have purchased, despite the name, as the picture on the label on the plant is of blue / purple berries.
I wondered if anyone had any information on these at all, as I am quite clueless on them i'm afraid!
I was in Germany last week and a local garden centre had Apfelbeere (Appleberry) plants. Not knowing what they are I purchased a couple thinking they were some sort of hybrid, but taking a bit of a chance on whether they can grow in UK conditions etc.
Having done a few google searches, all that seems to come up is some kind of Australian fruit plant of the same name, with long fruits (up to 30cm). This is not the same as what I have purchased, despite the name, as the picture on the label on the plant is of blue / purple berries.
I wondered if anyone had any information on these at all, as I am quite clueless on them i'm afraid!