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I have recently finished variety crossing for this year, and yesterday scored the crossed female flowers that have/have not set fruit after hand pollination. This is my fourth year and my technique has improved so that I would expect at least two thirds of my crosses to have initially set fruit. I was keen to use Annie Elizabeth as one of the parents. However, none of the crosses I performed with this variety set any fruitlets, whether using Annie as female or male parent. These failed crosses were:-
Annie Elizabeth (female) x Ellison's Orange (6 flowers pollinated)
Annie Elizabeth (female) x James Grieve (3 flowers pollinated)
Bramley's (female) x Annie Elizabeth (6 flowers pollinated)
Grenadier (female) x Annie Elizabeth (3 fowers Pollinated)
In contrast, crosses between Bramley's (female) and Cox's Pomona, Emneth Early and Grenadier, pollinating three flowers in each case, have each set three fruitlets (100% success, subject to June drop).
This 100% failure rate with Annie Elizabeth (admittedly with a very small sample) seems unusual and was unexpected by me, particularly as the pollen on the Annie Elizabeth flowers I used as male parents appeared so profuse compared with many other varieties, and the weather was good during the pollination period.
If Annie Elizabeth is a diploid, I would have expected a good success rate when using either James Grieve or Ellison's Orange as pollen donors -these varieties have usually performed well as male parents for me, irrespective of the variety chosen as the female parent. Needless to say, my Annie Elizabeth tree has set a reasonable looking crop.

I have found that proven triploids like Ashmead's Kernel tend not to be very successful when used as female parents, but unlike Annie Elizabeth, I've not had complete failure with them. I'll try again next year with a larger number of flowers!