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Blackberry problem.


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  • #16
    Originally posted by kiwiman View Post
    Hi FB, the ph is neutral and I do give a manure dressing each spring. The plant always has plenty of flowers but just does not develop the fruit fully. I have thought a bug might be responsible but can't think of anything that would be such a problem. As I said before, the first couple of fruiting seasons were fine, fully formed fruit and plenty of it. The problem just seems to have developed over the last couple of years. Do you know of any virus that affects blackberries. The foliage seems fine with no bad blemishes.
    There have been reports of raspberry beetle taking a liking to blackberries.
    Someone once told me that there was a blackberry beetle, but I'm not sure whether it was the raspberry beetle.

    I would say that it's either pollination or raspberry/blackberry beetle.

    I doubt that there's much you can do. Planting other blackberries (or raspberries) might end up with the same problem, although not all varieties of fruit are as attractive to their particular pests. The season of ripening seems to make a big difference. Earlier-ripening fruits of most types of fruit tend to suffer worse attacks from pests.


    • #17
      Originally posted by sugar View Post
      If you're looking for a vigorous, fast growing blackberry buy yourself Blackberry 'Triple Crown' . I'm not sure anything is capable of outgrowing this plant.
      I have a couple of "Bedford Giant".
      Very vigorous and very thorny. Its fast growth and vicious thorns mean that it's also recommended along boundaries to prevent anyone gaining access.
      It grows better than a weed almost anywhere - even in three-quarter shade.


      • #18
        Thats really interesting! I have a thornless blackberry that was inherited with my lottie, and its really vigorous, however along from this are some raspberries and they are exactly like the blackberries you pictured.....we decided to dig them up and start again (the raspberies).
        (The ones at home are brillient)


        • #19
          Originally posted by kiwiman View Post
          Thanks sugar, looks a good option if I am going to re-plant. Still thinking Tayberry replacement though.
          Flavorwise, Tayberry is far superior imho. I have both tayberry Medana (thorny) and Buckingham (thornless). Medana is far more vigorous . One disadvantage of Tayberry : you get a lot of fruit in a very small time-slot (about 6-8 weeks).
          Blackberries will deliver fruit over several months.


          • #20
            Yes, the birds are also much fonder of Tays. I had to net my bushes last year to keep the b**gers off. And like you say, a shorter fruiting season. I have just got a new lottie this year so maybe give a blackberry a try there.


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