Originally posted by boundtothesoil
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If he had chosen MM111 or M25 the trees would have been strong enough.
I made the same mistake; planting on M26 and MM106 - misled by over-optimistic size guides in "the books".
Most of mine are now replaced with MM111's and M25's, which do have the strength to shrug-off the problems. I'll re-post the picture of a young M25 shrugging-off a severe aphid attack which would have severely weakened a MM106 or other dwarf/semi-dwarf.
Not only the picture below, but my MM111 Belle de Boskoop, a few years ago, when it was only a few years old, had its whole side ripped off by a broken branch early in the growing season (after leaf-out). It was stunning how quickly it recovered - and the wound is now almost invisible!
I'll see if I can get a picture of the healed-over wound in the next few days.
MM111's and M25's - especially with triploids grafted to them - are seriously tough.