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Copper pipe for a fruit cage


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  • Copper pipe for a fruit cage

    I was think of making a fruit cage out of 15mm copper central heating pipe and solder ring tee and elbow joints. By my reckoning the whole lot should cost less than �50 even if I used new pipe and joints. It seems odd to me that no-one has mentioned doing it this way before that I can see. Have I missed a huge flaw in this plan? Are there better/cheaper pipes to use than the copper ones? Would the copper cause any problems for the plants?

    I also thought that if it's done carefully I might even be able put some little holes in it and hook it up to a hosepipe for watering.

    Thanks in anticipation!

  • #2
    That is what I have for my sweet pea frame. Okay it's not a fruit cage but it is a great, stable, permanent frame.


    • #3
      i posted something similar weeks back to ask if people have used electric conduits for fruit cage but had no reply.i didn't do the costing cos lots of my fruit trees are not in flowr yet.g


      • #4
        I was thinking about using some kind of metal tubing to fit with those build-a-ball balls, if you know what I mean, just wasn't sure if it would be cheaper the area of my Raspberries is about 15ft x 15ft. I think it'll be the cost of the netting that's the crippler!
        Anyone know the best place for metal tubing and netting?
        Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
        Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

        Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


        • #5
          Originally posted by goddess View Post
          i posted something similar weeks back to ask if people have used electric conduits for fruit cage but had no reply.i didn't do the costing cos lots of my fruit trees are not in flowr yet.g

          We have used the heavier electric conduit for a cloche and frame work to tie tomatoes onto. As long as it is pushed down far enough in the ground you should be ok with it, you may find it useful to use conduit to brace the frame for a fruit cage.


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