Originally posted by StephenH
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Blossom Dates - A Catalogue
Correction - the Brownlees' Russet is at maximum flower today, not yesterday. It still had a few blossoms not quite open yesterday, but I expected more blossom to drop its petals than would open, but in fact only one has dropped its petals so far.
I think my James Grieve is at maximum blossom today. There are still some buds to open, but otoh, the earliest blossom is now dropping its petals, so I think it's got as much open blossom on it at the moment as it will have. My two late-flowerers, Cottenham Seedling and Flower of Kent, are on the verge of flowering, and may have a flower or two open by this evening, if the sun comes out.
I went away for a week until a few days ago so I lost track, but those which were in full flower yesterday were:
Discovery MM106, Egremont Russet MM106, Ashmead's Kernel MM106, Howgate Wonder MM106, Spartan MM106, Fiesta MM106, Beauty of Bath M25, Worcester Pearmain M25, Grenadier M9, Jupiter M25.
Those which have finished flowering:
Blenheim Orange (M9 and M26), Pinova M26, Scrumptious MM106, Alfriston M116, Red Devil MM106, Tydeman's Late Orange (MM106 and MM111), Coeur de Boeuf MM111, Hambledon Deux Ans MM111, Belle de Boskoop MM111, Irish Peach M25, Norfolk Beefing M25, D'Arcy Spice M25.
All pears finished.
Those which have yet to reach full flower:
Laxton's Epicure, Edward VII, Court Pendu Plat, Crawley Beauty.
The weather has made a mockery of the usual flowering groups.Last edited by FB.; 15-05-2013, 10:28 AM..
Cottenham Seedling and Flower of Kent still not quite there, but my Quince (Cydonia oblonga) 'Isfahan' has opened its first flower. I know quinces aren't apples - just thought I'd mention it!
18th May - first flower open on Flower of Kent.
19th May - Brownlees' Russet ended flowering.
21st May - first flowers on Cottenham seedling (actually, probably 20th, since two flowers were already open at 8.30 this morning). Maximum blossom on Egremont Russet, as well as I can judge.Last edited by StephenH; 21-05-2013, 02:14 PM.
My Bramley was probably at maximum blossom on Sunday (19th), but I missed it. It is now definitely past the maximum, and shedding petals like confetti.
Righto - update time!
I've just spent the last thirty minutes writing down everyone's data under a new name-orientated list format. Rather than searching for your location, you now need only search for your name to show varieties and flower times for your fruit trees!
All the new information people have provided has now been placed in the original post and it is finally (and long overdue, I might add) back up to date!
Really appreciate all the input people have given and the time spent recording this information. I must admit, I'm thinking about churning out some Excel graphs once all blossom has fallen just to compare lengths of bloom, flowering times, and other formats (feel free to suggest criteria here).
All the best, and keep contributing!Garden Chris
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