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Dormant Grapevines


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  • #31
    I was going to start a new thread for my question but it might fit here. Last year at this time my mum in law bought us a potted grapevine for our anniversary. It was from a good nursery and had lots of teeny grapes hanging in bunches. I repotted it and trained it up the wall in our conservatory where it seemed happy and grew really well.
    Following advice found via Google I pruned it and put the pot outdoors for December and January to get really cold which I thought needed to happen for the following years fruit.
    The vine came back to life really well this spring but for some reason not a single flower appeared so had no grapes this year. Loads of leaves though so if nothing else it was decorative this year but can anyone tell me what i've done wrong and what to do differently this year to get flowers and hopefully grapes next. All I can presume was that I over watered it? Most days it drank 4 pints of water but conservatory was very hot. Any advice gratefully received. Thanks all.


    • #32
      Anyone?? Hello??


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