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Is my kiwi Arguta Issai dead?


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  • Is my kiwi Arguta Issai dead?

    Hi all,

    I bought a kiwi plant from a well know fruit and veg distributor earlier this year. I have kept it in my conservatory for ages, and then in my greenhouse when that finally went up. Surely it would have come into bud by now? It looks totally dormant, no sign of life. Well, saying that, on one or two of the eyes it actually looks like it's 'bleeding' It is pushing out minute amounts of reddish drops. But only in one or two places! I can't decide whether I should contact them or not. I just thought I would see a bit of green by now... Am I wrong? Much appreciated :-)

  • #2
    What is it like under the bark on the stem? Green is good, brown is bad! Could you ring and describe how you have kept it and ask what you should be expecting by now? Or email a picture? Doesn't sound right but I've never grown a kiwi. Fingers crossed.


    • #3
      Was it from DT Brown by any chance? I bought a few kiwis from them this year. Most of them have a leaf or two (at the most) but my Arguta Issai really is a little dead looking twig. I've had it about a month. Never had it in the frost. No sign of life whatsoever. Haven't got around to whining to them about it yet!


      • #4
        Yes, it was from DT Brown! I think I might give them a call. Will let you know what they said! I just don't want to look stupid if it is supposed to be like that. Can't see why though, everything else is growing like mad!


        • #5
          Well, the nice lady in customer services has spoken to a colleague of hers, and she said that our kiwi is a very late 'fruiter' (is there such a word :-)) and that it probably will be ok, but they are sending me another one anyway :-)


          • #6
            Good result. You could end up with two!


            • #7
              I know! Better start collecting punnets so I can sell them on the end of my driveway LOL


              • #8
                Well done for getting another. Let us know if this one seems alive(!)

                Mine's still a twig. I'll have to ring.


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