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some thing on my apple tree


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  • some thing on my apple tree

    this is my first time growing fruit trees and i noticed that i have this brown stuff on my apple tree also the leaves are not looking to good.
    can anyone tell me what is going on and how i can rectify this problem.

  • #2
    Looks more like the oozing of sap from a wound (or a possibility of a canker) on a cherry or a plum.

    Can you show a picture of the leaves (to confirm what kind of tree it is)?

    Since there is no really noticable discoloured or sunken bark associated with it, it may well be just a wound, but take a pic from the other side to see if the other side of the wound is OK and also to clarify what the black speck is at the bottom of the ooze.
    Last edited by FB.; 31-05-2013, 09:05 PM.


    • #3
      Looks more like the oozing of sap from a wound (or a possibility of a canker) on a cherry or a plum.

      Can you show a picture of the leaves (to confirm what kind of tree it is)?

      Since there is no really noticable discoloured or sunken bark associated with it, it may well be just a wound, but take a pic from the other side to see if the other side of the wound is OK and also to clarify what the black speck is at the bottom of the ooze.[/QUOTE]

      Thank you for your response, it's an apple tree one side is golden delicious and the other is Elstar. I have just had another feel of the brown stuff and it's very sticky. do you know why the leaves are looking a bit flat they also have lots of holes in them. do i need to spray it with anything or should i leave it alone . thank you.


      • #4
        Is your tree in a pot Rita, or have you planted it in the ground?

        The holes in the leaves look like caterpillar or snail damage.

        You say the leaves look flat - not sure what you mean - maybe floppy? If so it would suggest lack of water.


        • #5
          Well, what I'm seeing doesn't make sense. I've seen a lot of apple trees (probably many thousands?) but never seen one ooze brownish sap like that - but I've seen plenty of cherry and plum trees do it when they have wounds or cankers.

          Can you take a picture showing the whole tree, and a picture from the other side of the brown oozing substance?

          I'm not worried about the holes in the leaf - probably slugs, snails, caterpillars, capsid bugs etc which aren't a major concern most of the time.
          But I'd like to be sure - by seeing a pic of the whole tree - that I'm really looking at an apple, and to be able to rule-out possible problems. If it is some form of canker attacking the trunk it's serious no matter what kind of fruit tree it is (as I say: I'd like to see more pictures to exclude or confirm).


          • #6
            The more I look at the two pictures, the more it looks like a cherry tree with canker.

            More pictures are needed to:
            1. Confirm the type of tree.
            2. Confirm the cause of the brown ooze.

            But based on the evidence so far, regardless of what the label on the tree says it is, my money is on:
            1. Cherry tree.
            2. Canker.


            • #7
     just taken some more photo's, hope you can see what the problem is.



              • #8
                They don't look like apple leaves to me Rita. They're certainly not the same shape as mine.


                • #9
                  The leaves on the left, look to be a different shape to the ones on the main part of the tree on the right.
                  You said it was a dual apple tree - has it ever had any fruit on it?


                  • #10
                    i have only had it a few months, when it was in flower some one on here said it was a golden delicious.


                    • #11
             here is a photo of my apple tree in flower earlier this year.


                      • #12
                        I've just found your earlier post about it and a photo of the tree itself that may help the experts!


                        • #13
                          Rita, it might help to see the problem on the stem if you put a large piece of card as close as possible behind the tree to stop your camera focusing on the gravel


                          • #14

                            this is the photo i put on earlier, you can see really clearly, it's sticky.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rita1 View Post
                              i have only had it a few months, when it was in flower some one on here said it was a golden delicious.
                              That was probably me - when you said it was an apple, the blossom was so unusual that only something like Golden Delicious resembled it.
                              But looking closer at the leaves in the earlier picture (didn't bother to query earlier in the year because when someone tells me it's an apple, I don't generally do a 20-question check to ensure it's true-to-type!). Next time I'll be more sceptical and less trusting of what I'm told!

                              But had you asked "what type of fruit tree is this" we might have looked harder at the leaves and seen the slightly cherry-like look to them. So it might well be a cherry with white blossom, although Golden Delicious tends to have quite silvery bark as in your picture, which confused the situation further.

                              Now it's really got going, the leaves are definitely cherry - and the brownish ooze is sap, which may be from a wound, or may be from a canker.
                              Cankers usually have a blackish area around them.

                              If it was supposed to be an apple tree, I suggest give someone earache because now it is in full growth it is clearly not an apple tree!

                              Here's a link to someone's pic of Golden Delicious blossom - note the flowers are very white, five petals, and with the petals laying mostly flat (most apples have shades of pink and slight cupping of the flowers):



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