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Braeburn blossom but no fruit


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  • Braeburn blossom but no fruit

    Hi, I have a 3 year old Braeburn apple tree growing in a container, last year there were quite a lot of flowers but no fruit, I put this down to the bad weather conditions that we had. This year there were even more flowers but again none of them has changed to fruit they just dropped off. I understand that the Braeburn does not need to be pollenated by another tree, is this correct, also some of the leaves are turning yellow and falling off, do I need to be doing something to the tree?

  • #2
    Braeburn may be self-fertile, but if there were no bees to move the pollen around the flowers then poor fruit set would result. Even self-fertile varieties tend to produce more and better fruit when pollinated by a different variety.
    It also sounds like the yellowing leaves point to your plant being under stress - maybe the soil in the pot is depleted, maybe not enough water (it's been dry here in Cambs recently, so probably also quite dry in the adjacent county of Beds).
    It's also possible that the leaves are scabbed, mildewed or some other pest/disease.

    Can you post a picture of the plant?



    • #3
      i thought they all had to have a pollinator,we have crab apples grown from seeds we brought with us when we moved,and they are only 15-20 ft from our eating apple trees,any self fertile plant will give a better crop with a nearby compatable pollinator,with this years crops all flowering at the same time,it looks like this year will be a bumper crop,so get your tree some company,even if its just a small crab apple in a tub..


      • #4
        What rootstock is it grafted on?


        • #5
          Thanks for all the replies. I believe the root stock is M27 but not sure.


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