Originally posted by FB.
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Keepers Nursery (Kent)
Keepers Nursery UK | Fruit trees for sale | Buy Online | Mail order
Their online ordering will sometimes remove an item from stock the instant an order is made, and if I edit the order a week or more before delivery the item I swapped will appear as "in stock" and the item I put in my basket in its place may go "out of stock" if it is a rare variety.
Bernwode Fruit Trees (Buckinghamshire):
They do not have an online ordering facility - you have to phone them and they'll call you back a short while later to say whether it's in stock.
They'll tell you straight if they don't have the variety/rootstock combination you want - no substitutions. When their trees arrive you can see the weathered year-or-two-old label which confirms that the tree should be true-to-type.
Most nurseries only label trees at the time of gathering the customer's order - the trees simply being in alphabet groupings out in the field. Consequently many fruit trees arrive with a shiny new label and the associated risk that the tree got mislabelled during digging-out or packing at the nursery.
Mistakes can be made - I once was looking round a Victorian kitchen garden and a casual glance caused me to misread a label as Adam's Pearmain only for my wife to say "but doesn't that say Autumn Pearmain?".
Not to mention illegible handwriting - I can easily see how your "Christmas Pearmain" turned out to be another variety beginning with "Ch" <Charles Ross> as they'd be near to each other in most nurseries and consequently easily mixed-up or picked up the wrong one in error due to lack of attention.