I took the decision to plant a number of apple trees on my allotment and to attempt to train them as espaliers. As I was planting 10 trees I couldn't justify the cost of buying established/pre-trained trees and plumped for first year maidens, which were planted in late January last year. A few weeks later with heart in my mouth I took my secateurs and bravely cut each tree down to 18". At first it seemed that I had made a mistake and killed them all, but nature eventually kicked in and they sprouted as expected. I have since took my secateurs to them again and trimmed off all but the required shoots. I now have 10 healthy trees at the first stage of of becoming espaliers, that is two horizontals and one vertical.
My question is what next? I understand that I should again cut the vertical, but do I cut the horizontal or continue to let it carry on growing, I seem to find contrasting accounts on what is the best way to procede.
My question is what next? I understand that I should again cut the vertical, but do I cut the horizontal or continue to let it carry on growing, I seem to find contrasting accounts on what is the best way to procede.