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Plum trees..


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  • Plum trees..

    I would like to have a plum tree on my plot. My soil is heavyish clay. The area where I would like it to go have been the muck heap for the past 3 year's so the soil is much better then I thought it would be. I have done a little bit of reading up on them. I don't want a huge one I think its a st juila sp?? rootstock size I need. Im going to the local GC at the weekend to start looking before choosing one too fast!! Now would it be a good idea to add some sharpe sand to help drainage? Can it be planted now if I get one this weekend or wait until end of Nov?? The area gets the sun quite a bit thoughout the day would this be enough??

    I like Victora plums there is so many others ones that I havnt even heard off!!

  • #2
    Victoria is not a bad one to start with, on St. Julien rootstock it will get to around 10ft-12ft eventually.

    Some of the newer varieties are worth considering - Haganta, or Excalibur, or Avalon, or Jubilee. These often have better flavours than Victoria for eating fresh, although for cooking Victoria is hard to beat.

    If you get one this weekend it would have to be container-grown one, as given the very mild weather it is unlikely bare-root trees will be available until late November.


    • #3
      OP thanks would it be best to wait untill Nov? Im in no rush to get one Im trying to understand as much as possable about their needs etc before I rush into getting one and killing it!!


      • #4
        Just remember the rootstocks VVA-1 (Krymsk) and Pixy for a more dwarfing effect. VVA-1 is the more dwarfing of the two, and I have Blue Tit on Pixy and Opal on VVA-1.

        Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum mobile app
        Garden Chris


        • #5
          Originally posted by orangepippin View Post
          Victoria is not a bad one to start with, on St. Julien rootstock
          I had one of those as a free gift from a major seed supplier.

          Turned out to be President, not Victoria, and it's fruit is delicious but I've only had 3 plums off it in 4 years
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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