And not the Festive ones.
Just tried to work out where to put this post! They're not veg, their not flowers as such, they're not fruit.
Since they are going into the Fruit and Nut Forest I thought here would have to do.
I'm quite excited!
Can't plant them yet. The chooks have been getting into the Fruit with out Nut forest so I used my gift voucher from my old job to purchase some chicken wire - well it's what I want even if it's not a pretty thing.
Then I need to put some shade cloth up for a bit of a sun and wind shelter. Then build some mounds with a ditch behind, sort of in a curl shape, to catch any wet stuff that runs down the hill, and keep it long enough to water the nut trees.
The tag at the local nursery where I had the voucher for said that hazelnuts are just the best for this area. And I know after my almond tree died that a nursery just north said it might be better to go for hazelnuts in spring rather than temperamental almonds bare rooted in winter.
They are American White, Turkish Cosgrove, and something else (I'll look soon and let you know.) Very slow start to this growing season with the late frosts all the time, so I'm very very excited to finally have some nut trees. I'll be desolate if they don't make it tho
Just tried to work out where to put this post! They're not veg, their not flowers as such, they're not fruit.
Since they are going into the Fruit and Nut Forest I thought here would have to do.

I'm quite excited!
Can't plant them yet. The chooks have been getting into the Fruit with out Nut forest so I used my gift voucher from my old job to purchase some chicken wire - well it's what I want even if it's not a pretty thing.
Then I need to put some shade cloth up for a bit of a sun and wind shelter. Then build some mounds with a ditch behind, sort of in a curl shape, to catch any wet stuff that runs down the hill, and keep it long enough to water the nut trees.
The tag at the local nursery where I had the voucher for said that hazelnuts are just the best for this area. And I know after my almond tree died that a nursery just north said it might be better to go for hazelnuts in spring rather than temperamental almonds bare rooted in winter.
They are American White, Turkish Cosgrove, and something else (I'll look soon and let you know.) Very slow start to this growing season with the late frosts all the time, so I'm very very excited to finally have some nut trees. I'll be desolate if they don't make it tho
