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Rubus Idaeus


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  • Rubus Idaeus

    Hi folks.

    Walking past the local vege shop today, I spotted a wee Raspberry plant sat in a bucket of snow (still cold enough to snow here ) all on it's lonesome, looking very sorry for itself.
    Shop assistant sold it to me for 50p, the others had sold full price over the past few days, it having been pretty nice weather but this poor thing had been left behind and left out in todays snow showers. Thinking nothing could be done with it after the snow, it was sold to me at a bargain price.

    I've never grown fruit before though. No idea if it'll survive. My last frost date is early May, is it possible to keep it alive on the windowsill in the house until then? Should I get it in water or? No idea if it is actually any good for fruit even lol.

    No instructions came with it, just a label of what it was.

    Any advice would be great!
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    Last edited by Maddiesaur; 07-03-2014, 04:03 PM. Reason: Silly spellings

  • #2
    Rubus Idaeus is just a fancy name for raspberry Maddie. If I were you I would soak the roots in a bowl of water overnight and then plant it on your allotment.

    It's been outside the shop, and raspberries are hardy so it should be fine.


    • #3
      Excellent, thank you!

      I will do just that and hope for the best.

      The allotment has a community netted fruit patch, so I'll find a wee spot for it in there


      • #4
        Trouble is if you put it in the community patch someone else might get the fruit. Haven't you room for it on your patch?


        • #5
          I do but I don't mind sharing the goods. There is about 60 trees and bushes in the area and not many people on the allotment at the moment, so it's fine. Just an experimental year for us, being our first


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