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Can anyone confirm the identity if these?


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  • Can anyone confirm the identity if these?

    Hi I'm hoping someone can help a real novice here. This morning I cleared a rather neglected section and came across a couple of things. This allotment was someone fruit allotment before I took it on with some unusual bits and bobs. Is it likely therefore this is a cranberry?

    And what about this - next to a Jostaberry and amongst lots of fruit bushes... A Lingonberry? I guess it could be thyme (it's amongst fruit so assumed it was fruit but didn't think to check that possibility while I was there)

    Also I'm fairly sure this is rhubarb. It got damaged clearing nettles before I saw it. Bit of a sorry state, is there anything I can do to help it? I'm embarrassed if it's just a weed!

    Many thanks

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  • #2
    Can't comment on the first...never grown it.

    2nd looks like it's thyme/marjoram/oregano ( can't see your piccies very well ) - rub a bit between your fingers- then you'll know if it is or not !

    Last one - hard to tell, but that looks more like a dock to me.Either that- or horseradish perhaps????
    If you gently scrape away at the soil at it's base you'll see a long tap root if it's dock-or horseradish- but horseradish will smell of well, horseradish if you gently scratch one of the roots.
    If it's rhubarb it'll have a hard solid woody clump . I really don't think%
    Last edited by Nicos; 30-03-2014, 02:38 PM.
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #3
      I think you are going to have to let the first two develop a bit more before we can tell what they are. I am sorry to say I think the third is a dock. Rhubarb comes up with a lot thicker stem and closely furled leaves.
      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


      • #4
        Ha, ha ok I thought it was just a bit spindly! I will inspect further but I remember covering over a bit of root that was exposed and it was brown/a bit woody I think but will double check and do some scratch and sniff! :-D Otherwise out it goes! The others I'll nurture a bit more and see what happens. Thanks.

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        • #5
          The first looks very similar to blueberries, to which cranberries are similar. So I'd suspect one of the two.


          • #6
            Thanks DuncanM. I'm going to try and improve the soil in this area assuming it us I think!

            Back to the dock/rhubarb/horseradish???... I have gone back briefly to pick something up from shed so took another closer photo including root (and my hand to give sense of perspective)... Does this confirm it's non-edible? Most of the leaves got chopped/severed in my nettle massacre... I'm conscious though plot holders around me may be giggling that I've loving nurtured a weed over the past week or so :-D

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            • #7
              Photos are lovely on my phone but not very clear when I upload on here via the app. Sorry if it's not any more helpful photography!!!

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              • #8
                It is not Rhubarb.
                If it was horseradish it should be all through the lotty.
                My money is on a dock.
                Feed the soil, not the plants.
                (helps if you have cluckies)

                Man v Squirrels, pigeons & Ants


                • #9
                  Dig one up completely. If its dock you'll find a long tap root.
                  My money's on dock too - sorry


                  • #10
                    Oh well! It's just one clump that I can lift up from where it is 'sitting' with a browny/red root going sideways. Whatever weed it is, out it goes! Would have made an unpopular crumble then had I given it more loving care!

                    I'll take advantage if the free rhubarb offer with the magazine and plant it somewhere more suitable!

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