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Plum tree decimated


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  • Plum tree decimated

    Can anyone tell me what would eat the leaves on my Victoria plum tree? Whatever it was
    left only leaf veins resembling spokes of an umbrella NO leaf. Not even a lace effect leaf.However, on the last 18" or so of the branches leaves appear normal.Sadly prior to this no fruit had set either.its a dwarf tree but with. very long leggy branches.
    Last edited by bobbin; 12-05-2014, 11:44 PM.

  • #2
    In my experience, caterpillars are usually the quickest and most voracious destroyers of leaves on fruit trees at this time of year, pretty much irrespective of species. They can be difficult to spot, but if you see them, or any cocoons, I'd squish them, or summon up the local blue tits.


    • #3
      Similar thing has happened to me this spring which has never happened before, and the culprit for eating my young plum tree leaves.... wood pigeons. Never known it happen anytime in the past but this year they really love the young leaves.


      • #4
        Pigeons eating leaves and breaking twiggy branches is becoming more common with plum trees. No idea why.


        • #5
          Ah maybe it is wood pigeons. We are inundated with them! (All they seem to do is have sex,poop on everything,wake you up in the morning and destroy stuff, much the same as cats really. !) perhaps they don't tackle end of branches as they are too heavy for them..the pigeons I mean. Though it looks very like caterpillar damage too. I'm still baffled, as are you Trial and Error. Any more ideas anyone? Thanks so far for input.


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