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Fruit setting already.


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  • Fruit setting already.

    Was down the plot yesterday when I suddenly noticed my gooseberry bush had got fruit setting. After a quick check round I fund my currant bushes had got fruit setting.
    My strawberry plants have exploded with flowers and have some setting there to. Not many but a few.
    Anyone else got fruit setting?
    My blackberry cane, the one with the mega thorns, has really picked up seem to have three shoots coming up that I will tie up to the wire.
    Do I need to put any type of fertiliser or something to boost the plants that have fruit and flowers on?
    Hardly had any fruit and flowers last year but I got my plot fairly late last year so didn't get chance to put anything down while flowers were on and fruit was appearing.

  • #2
    My whitecurrants are nearly ready to eat, my redcurrants aren't far behind, and most of my other fruit isn't far behind that. We're getting soft fruits pretty early this year

    Giving your fruit bushes a high-potash feed (some tomato feed would do them just fine) will help the fruit development. Just make sure to mix according to the instructions


    • #3
      Yes, Hinnomaki Red setting nicely too . Strawberries are also beginning to swell, cherries are large pea-sized. Won't have currants until next year, though

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      Take a look at my blog too


      • #4
        A lot of my fruit is setting too, I have lots of lovely tell tale green buddings on some of my fruit trees too - and strawberries! I have loads of good sized green fruit, just waiting for a bit of sun now to ripen them
        A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


        • #5
          So far I have the following fruits developing: cherries, blueberries, blackcurrant, jostaberry, peach and strawberries. I also have medlar and raspberry in flower. Everything else is a bit young to be bearing fruit


          • #6
            Yep, fruit is setting here, too. The redcurrant bush I only planted in February has got about ten fruit trusses growing away (although some of the berries are falling off for some reason), the raspberries have got flowers on (though not open yet) and I've got loads of flowers on my strawberries. Even the melons are joining in the fun, I've got three of them growing away!


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