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Peach tree issue


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  • Peach tree issue

    Hi, I'm new to the forum and wondered if I could get some help? I recently bought and planted a patio peach tree but the leaves have started to go funny. It may be because of the superhot weather we've been having?? I also noticed there were quite a few ants on it and around the base. Don't know if they can cause this kind of damage though.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!


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  • #2
    Peach leaf curl. Think you can pick off effected leaves.
    Last edited by WendyC; 18-05-2014, 08:12 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gordon D View Post
      Hi, I'm new to the forum and wondered if I could get some help? I recently bought and planted a patio peach tree but the leaves have started to go funny. It may be because of the superhot weather we've been having?? I also noticed there were quite a few ants on it and around the base. Don't know if they can cause this kind of damage though.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      Thanks in advance!



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      it is peach leaf curl as has been said. they don't mind any cold but its the wet winters here that brings on peach leaf problems, mine stays outside all winter and at the end of February I bring it undercover in the back g/house(before the first leaves show) and then I let it dry out a bit (it gets a bit wet up here on the west coast of Scotland) ,give it a feed and good watering and its now showing 27 young peaches on a plant 4ft 6ins out of its half dustbin pot ,looking really healthy. make sure you train a good set of branches to support such fruit, it takes 3 yrs but its really worth it, have a look at FBs past posts on the subject as he is the bees knees where anything like this is concerned, good luck with it as the taste of FRESH peaches is unbelievable.....


      • #4
        Here's another thread on the go at the same time....
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #5
          Thanks for all the useful info!! I'll remove the affected leaves and try spraying it with Bordeaux mixture in the next few days and see if that helps. I'll try to remember to bring it indoors at the end of the year and see if it improves any next year. I hope it does as I'm looking forward to the yummy peaches 😃

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          • #6
            Getting the same on my nectarine - they say it's no use to spray now and only any use to spray in February/March. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
            Some say that this time of year onwards, the only treatment is pick off the leaves.


            • #7
              I don't think there is any point spraying now. The only thing you can do, as you say Srodders, is to pick off the affected leaves then spray in Feb and again in March just before the buds open. I'm sure some one with more expertise will be around soon but that's what I would do.
              A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


              • #8
                All this talk of leaf curl got me lookin into it ..... and now I wish I hadn't got one. I have a lovely little dwarf crimson peach with gorgeous red leaves ..... but now it seems I have to make a blummin ugly shelter for it to live under (no greenhouse, and no room indoors). One of the main precepts for this years layout was so that I didn't have to prat about with stuff like this, and not have any netting or other eyesores (polythene clad monstrosity) in my garden.

                I wish plants this delicate/troublesome came with a big warning on all advertisements saying "WARNING: May be more hassle than it's worth"

                Oh well, at least I have the rest of this season to decide a plan of attack It does appear to have fruit developing, so probably a taster of any yield will help my decision


                • #9
                  I'm the same, almost wish I hadn't bothered with them.
                  However, I've got a carport which I don't use so I've popped the tree in there to see if that will help it for next year.

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                  • #10
                    Snails got all of my Nectarines last year


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